Wednesday, May 27, 2009

"Isn't It Romantic"

I think me and BJ's MOST FAVORITE thing about dancing together is the sweet flirting you can do. It is a kind of flirting totally unique to dancing. When you are dancing the lindy to FEVER, I mean, come on, there is a supreme oppurtunity for some serious sassy flirting. Lots of swing songs are that way too. "Banana Split for my Baby...A glass of cold water for me..." and "I'll tell YOU when" are two of my favorites.

With every dance there is a different kind of flirting. I just found out that here in Las Vegas they have started an English Country Dance Society where they dance the dances found in Jane Austen movies.:) The flirting in this kind of dancing is super fun because there is barely any touching involved. It is very subtle. Fingertips, holding hands, brushing sides...very tame sounding, but with a look and a wink, very romantic and fun.:) For all of you out there completely desensitized to romantic things, this may not sound fun or flirty, but there is power in minimalism my friends! I guess they just had their first ball, and everyone dressed up and everything. BJ, being the most macho love I know, is totally taking me next year.:) HE VOLUNTEERED to take me when I told him about it. I am sooooo excited! I married the best man EVER!(Sorry I just gotta brag a bit.:)

Here is a link to their info:


Anonymous said...

He is a good man, yes, I agree

Meridy said...

Jane Austen dances??!?!?! How awesome!!!! Is it free? ;) That is seriously fun.

Physcokity said...

That sounds like a ton of fun, and YES you did marry an awesome man!