Friday, May 22, 2009

It's Too Darn Hot

It is HOT. The weather man says it is only 93 degrees, but I BEG TO DISAGREE.
It is hotter.
Jane says so too.
It was so hot we all got sick from being outside for just a wee bit. Usually we can handle the heat better, and that is why I think the weather man is a liar.
The end.


Anonymous said...

Did you get my text message about how Jane left a 14 min voicemail on my phone last night!? I hope the library was fun!

Just what is a Clair? said...

That is soooo crazy. I am so sorry. We don't have text messaging on our phone really because we are on my Mum's plan. Man that is hilarious. So sorry.

sara said...

Yes, I agree, it is TOO DANG HOT! Hope you are hanging in there.