Saturday, September 19, 2009

"Nobody likes me, guess I'll go eat worms..."

OK, so I just had a happy experience and a frustrating experience with blogs. HAPPY NEWS! I was the FIRST person to post a comment on one of my favoritest blogs! This might not sound like a big deal, but it was on the GROSGRAIN blog which has like a million followers. Anyways, it made me feel special. Then I went to go check a different blog I had left a comment on. Again I was first, but everyone else who posted was having the TOTAL opposite opinion as me, and I felt super lame. It was on an issue that is super convtroversial, and I knew I was taking a chance saying what I felt, and I still feel good about what I wrote, but having so many people disagree with you is hard. Anyways, I had to vent a little right now. Isn't it silly we sometimes feel a need to feel recognized? I feel a need to have my voice heard in the world. I think about things all the time, and I feel my thoughts are important. Don't we all?

PS. Today I missed my friend Meridy MILLIONS. I hope Hurricane is treating her well!


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry that happened with the disagreeing people. I hate to be disappointing to others, yet I seem to do it all the time.
I hope you can feel more calm the further you get from those comments. :(

Physcokity said...

I had a similar experience once. I completely agree with saying what you believe in, but try not to get disheartened when others don't agree. This is why comments can be both good and bad, but more often than not are addicting.

I'm not entirely sure what exactly happened, but I know you well enough to know that the opinion you expressed, while it differed from others was what was in your heart to say.

themoderncottage said...

I feel so loved to be mentioned on your blog! I'll be emailing you soon. :D