Alice Michaela
born:Sunday June 28th, 2009
weight:6lbs 15oz
height:19 inches
eyes:dark blue
hair:dark dark brown like Daddy's, and lots!
(Birth story will be posted hopefully by the end of today or tomorrow in our other blog)
Jane meets Alice!

Denny meets Alice!

Sleeping Beauties;)...finally!:) We worked really hard!

Denny and Daddy showing baby some lovin':)

Baby Alice-Monday:)

If you look really hard you can see her tiny tiny dimple.

Grandma Becky and Baby Alice

Our awesome midwife and dear friend April holding Alice

My amazing doula and good friend Sherry holding Alice:)

Proud Daddy and the newest Hamakerlove model:)

"Who is this new lovely lady in our family?"

Sisters and fellow rosebud princesses:)
Well here are only a few of the pix, but it gives you a tiny idea of how adorable this family is.:) I just keeping thinking, I know these next few months are going to be crazy, but I love these people sooooo millions, it is SO WORTH IT! WE are so happy Alice is here and Denny and Jane. Life ALREADY couldn't be the same with all three.:)
I will try to get more pix up and our birth story soon!
The new US.
(BJ, Clair, Jane, Denny, and Baby Alice:)