Holy cow I was stalking our friend SArah Lynn's blog and found this HI-LARIOUS post.
So you go to a search engine and type "(Your name) needs", and list the first ten things that pops up. We are going to do the first five because it is faster. And five is the best number ever. This is what "we need."
BJ needs:
-to get real stoned
-a sports psychologist
-go back under water and carry the rock some place deeper this time.
- to talk a lot its a way to relieve his stress and make him confident
- Hawkeye to break him before he can know how to put himself back together
Clair needs:
-a booking agent.
-no encouragement.
-to be approved by groups immediately or she feels left out.
-more Italian places.
-to be dug up again - fun!(I quoted that exactly)
Jane needs:
-a break
-a home
-to be nailed to a railroad tie and left for the buzzards.
-Your Help On January 19th
Denny needs:
-to get on with it and let Izzy love Alex
-a new crew
-to throw a Republicrook out of Congress
-Your Vote
-to get a better handle on the whole experiance and he'll prove to be better then the twink in the #18.
Alice needs:
-more work
-a new true love
-a room next year!!
-counselling (It has been quite 'turbulent' lately, so counselling might just be the thing I need) (Again, quoted axactly)
-to learn to become a Permanent Fairy
I tag everyone who reads this because it is such a funny idea. You will laugh your pants off.