I have been tagged by the awesome Lady Baillio for randomness!
List 16 Random Things About Yourself. Anything Random You Can Come Up With. If I Tag You and You Don't Want to Participate...Don't Worry. No Hard Feelings!
1.It is my birthday today and I am sick sick SICK. But my stock of herbs are in ready stead and my lover is off to Walgreens to get me, what he calls, a fool proof way to clear up sinus pressure...a hot water bottle.
2.I love green lately. Green as in the color. I really like green CLOTHES. Oh yes. It is so the new blue.
3.My favorite number is five. I am five feet tall. There are five letters in my first name. If I had kept all my names when I got married I would have five names(Clair Annette Reed Steininger Hamaker-soooooo ridiculously long!)There are lots of other reasons, but you get the idea.
4.BJ and I are currently obsessed with reading the HOBBIT together. I had never read it and his Poppa read it lots to him when he was little, but he doesn't remember a lot of it. We are way more than half way through. The last book we read together was GRACIE:A LOVE STORY, by George Burns. BEST BOOK EVER!
5.The last book I read myself and fell in love with was called THE SOUL OF A HORSE by Joe Camp, the dude who did the Benji movies, and Where THE BLIND HORSE SINGS. I LOVE THESE BOOKS MILLIONS!
6.I think we are having a boy this time again and that he will come out either with a knife between his teeth or a sword in his hand. If we are having a girl, heaven help her sweetie. Xena warrior princess incarnate.
7. I miss my college roommate Mel and wish I could take a fulltime job traveling the world to find her the perfect dude. She is one of the best people I know and should be blessed with the best dude and lots of kids to put books under their pillows. The dudes in the world are seriously slacking, and it makes me upset.
8.I love my friends in Henderson so much that I can't think about selling our house in the near future anymore.
9.I have three vices...chocolate, pizza and Agatha Christie murder mysteries.
10.I have a serious need for an artistic outlet. I need to be creating things or planning things allatime.
11.I would rather have ten kids than a career anyday. Yeah it is crazy, but can you think of anything that brings more joy than kids!? Yeah you are busy, but you could be busy doing anything. Career, hobby, etc. Each of my children bring their own special unique joy. Jane is my sunshine joy. And Denny is my Peaceful joy. I want all the joy there is!
12.I love BJ.
13.BJ just got home and I am glad.
14.Did I mention yet that I am seriously congested? Haha. I reread the one about Mel and the books and I almost died. Seriously, I couldn't breathe from laughing. Ask her about the books sometime. Its funny.
15.I got my family herbalist certification completed a month ago.:)
16. 16 was one of the worst years of my growing up(17 was millions better thanks to the Doel Boys and DBG). I can't believe that was a decade ago! Oh wait though, tha tis the year I met BJ. Ok 16 you are soooo redeemed.
Well...I don't know how random that was. I just wrote down whatever came into my foggy head.:)
Happy Birthday to me! Everybody enjoy my day. It is in the rules.
BJ's girl
ps.I tag anyone who wants to be random after they read this.